
Introducing Juan!!

Here I am with Kanani playing around while trina was at work (top). Her aunty Aliciamae did her hair.
Then trina and I at brookside for her birthday, she turned 26. Good eats!


Well this is what she looks like in her crib and on her first birthday!!

Are you going to get her?

Well this is our first blog, and I chose "are you going to get her?" because Juan & I are always aking this about our first daughter, Kananiokalani. We are downstairs but she is upstairs and we are both too lazy to get her. But then once one of us gets her, I or both, always feels guilty because we leave her by herself and when we return she doesn't have a diaper on or has made a mess in her crib. Damn this parenting stuff is a little hard.

There she goes going back upstairs....

"I thought she wanted to come down."

"No she wants to go back in her crib" and is now yelling for us....